The Grounding Card Guide
The Ground-R-Guide, with spring finger action found only in UNITRACK card guides offers exceptional grounding features. The OPEN STYLE Ground-R-Guide can be mounted to a chassis or motherboard with rivets, using the holes provided in the guide. Ground-R-Guide is available in three metals: phosphor bronze, stainless steel and beryllium copper.
- The firm grip afforded by the spring fingers develops a useful pressure contact over the length of the p.c. card for excellent electrical current passage.
- Large contact area of spring fingers provides a stable ground potential.
- TRACK STYLE Ground-R-Guide available for spanning open spaces.
- Spring fingers give a good shock and vibration dampening.
- Available to exact lengths to customer specifications or in long lengths for customer cutting.
- Special assemblies also available.
Aluminum Rivet
Catalog #1000R
The TRACK STYLE Ground-R-Guide affords grounding for p.c. boards with the patented spring finger action found only in UNITRACK card guides.
- Pressure developed by spring fingers provides contact over entire length of p.c. card for excellent electrical current passage.
- Aluminum extrusion provides rigid guide for spanning open areas (often required for air circulation or cooling).
- Available to hold 1/16″ thru 1/8″ p.c. cards.
- Spring fingers provide shock and vibration damping.
- Guides up to 6″ long: 2 holes, or 2 studs spaced 1/2″ from each end of the guide.
- Guides up to 10″ long: 3 holes, or 3 studs evenly spaced with the end holes or hardware 1/2″ from each end of the guide.
- Guides over 10″ long: 4 holes, or 4 studs evenly spaced with the end holes or hardware 1/2″ from each end of the guide.
- Longer guides, consult factory.
- Holes not available with Beryllium Copper
Example: UNSS1008-6 would be an assembled unit of: 6″ long GB1008 Guide Bar; one 5.5″ long SS1000 Stainless Steel card guide and two MC1000 mounting clips. Mounting hole centers would be 6.375″.